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Beware of the dangers of bamboo on your property

Bamboo is often associated with pandas in Asia but that is not the only place it grows. In fact, bamboo grows all over the southeastern parts of the United States. We are currently partnering with Troy Shafer of Nashville Flipped on a project in Nashville. One of the changes that we have had to make is the bamboo infestation in the backyard of the property, up against the house. It is important to be aware of the dangers of bamboo.

The reason for this removal is that while bamboo is great for pandas, it is not good for houses. The strength of bamboo is incredible and there are several more issue that come along with it. Bamboo in short, can grow through anything. The San Francisco Gate had this to say about bamboo:

It (bamboo) has been able to wriggle its way behind siding on homes and between roof shingles, running bamboo has managed to grow into houses through heating ducts. Cracks in patios allow bamboo rhizomes to send up shoots, too, and this can cause driveways to buckle as the rhizomes spread underneath them.

Pretty amazing that bamboo has that kind of penetration and force. Bamboo is even able to cause cracks in the foundation of the house. You read that right, bamboo can go through concrete! If you are thinking about planting bamboo for it to create privacy around your yard, think again.

HGTV states that bamboo can grow an incredible 12 inches per day. You can read more about how to get rid of bamboo, here. It can take years in some cases to finally get rid of bamboo with a large amount of work.

Check out some photos of the bamboo from the property we are renovating: